
This method allows revoking authorizations granted to a protectedData entity. You may optionally specify application or user addresses for revocation. If you do not specify either of these optional values, this method will revoke all access for all users and applications.


This method is asynchronous and requires use of the JavaScript observable pattern.

const revokeAllAccessObservable = dataProtector
        protectedData: '0xA0Cf798816D4b9b9866b5330EEa46a18382f251e'
        authorizedApp: '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e'
        authorizedUser: '0xecb504d39723b0be0e3a9aa33d646642d1051ee1'
        next: (data) => {
            console.log('next', data);
        error: (error) => {
            console.log('error', error);
        complete: () => {
            console.log('revokeAllAccess complete');

Return value example

These are the possible events iExec may send the subscriber:

MessageReturn value





protectedData (required)

The address of the protectedData subject to access revocation.

authorizedApp (optional)

The application address to be removed from the authorization list for the specified protectedData.

authorizedUser (optional)

The user address to be removed from the authorization list for the specified protectedData.


As an observable method, the revokeAllAccessObservable method returns several events. Those include the following.


Triggered when the revokeAllAccessObservable method begins processing the authorization grants for the specified protectedData. It contains the following data element:


A JSON list of grantedAccess objects detailing the set of authorizations for the specified protectedData.


Triggered when the revokeAllAccessObservable method begins revoking one of the authorizations for the protectedData. It contains the following data element:


The grantedAccess object detailing authorization iExec is currently revoking.


Triggered upon completion of an authorization revocation. It contains the following data elements:


The ID of the transaction that happened on iExec's side chain. You may view details on the transaction using the iExec explorer.


The grantedAccess object detailing authorization iExec successfully revoked.

The grantedAccess object has the following fields:

apprestrict - address of the authorized application; a value of 0x0 indicates any application may access this data dataset - address of the protectedData containing user data datasetprice - price (in nRLC) to charge the user specified in requesterrestrict for each use of this protectedData requesterrestrict - address of the requester authorized to use this protectedData in workloads; a value of 0x0 indicates any requester may use this data volume - number of authorized uses of this protectedData; each use decrements this counter workerpoolrestrict- address of the decentralized infrastructure (worker pool) authorized to execute the application; a value of 0x0 indicates any worker pool may access this data salt - random value to make an order unique and reusable as nonce in a blockchain transaction sign - order signature of all the grantedAccess fields tag - defines whether a protectedData is usable in a TEE environment (Trusted Execution Environment) ; 0x00 is TEE while 0x03 is non-TEE

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