
The readOracle method is designed to retrieve the value from a specific oracle. This enables users to access data fetched by an oracle, which serves as a reliable source of information sourced from external APIs or other data providers.


As an example, we will utilize the CoinGecko public API oracle, which provides the Ethereum price in USD: CoinGecko Ethereum API.

const readOracleRes = await readerOrFactory.readOracle(
); // Content ID of the Oracle

You can utilize either type of SDK instance, be it the basic IExecOracleFactory or the IExecOracleReader, to invoke the readOracle method.

Return value example

  value: 1995.74,
  date: 1700047387



Content ID of the Oracle to be read.

const readOracleRes = await readerOrFactory.readOracle(

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